Friday, March 23, 2012

Assessing how much your next job should fetch you as an employee!

Its my pleasure to introduce you to "e-CAT".

-> This is a decision guide that helps assess a potential work place/employer's change.
'-> It also helps to calculate how much salary mark up an individual should demand from the
new employer before accepting the offer. It is not enough to just take a +XX% salary increase,
one needs to calculate the net worth/benefits of current employment and charge a mark up based on that!
Good luck

To download- click link,  Then, click file-->download as --> EXCEL

I hope you find it useful and share your comments.


Monday, November 21, 2011


All mothers are heroes
Heroes are not always those that go into space and bring out mysteries
Heroes are not far-fetched from us, mothers are ever near by.
The love of a mother symbolises the most heroic attributes
Mothers carry us in their wombs DARING the stretch of the abdomen,
DAMNING the swollen legs, the aching back and the UNENDING thirst.
Despite weight gain, her heart remains light enough to care for both husband, unborn baby and older siblings.
She SCREAMs through the pain to bring forth the child and defies the calling of the night to feed the baby
She helps us make our first steps,  first words, and kept us clean when we could not lift a finger
Mothers tell us EVERYTHING is possible if you just believe
Mothers know the meaning of FAITH, investing so much in us and trusting, hoping and praying that everything will be okay with us in future.
Not knowing the future but hoping for the best, not having all but giving all.
Mothers are the love of the world
Our Semi Christ who have ALMOST come to die for us
We love you.